from the UK artists at the Venice Biennale 2015 video
from the UK artists at the Venice Biennale 2015 video ©


Sabato 12 novembre 2016 -
17:00 a 19:00

Talking about the Visual Arts.

Looking at visual arts - paintings, photographs, sculptures, monuments and buildings - can be an aesthetic experience by itself, but speaking about them proves more complicated. This seminar proposes ways for teachers to bridge the gap and help students pass from pleasure/displeasure factors to talking about them.  Classroom material will also be discussed.

Annalisa Carraglia, British Council Milan

The seminars are free of charge. 

British Council, Soggetto accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale della scuola ai sensi della Direttiva 170 del 21/3/2016, articolo1, comma 5

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