Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London
Shakespeare's Globe in London
Sabato 12 ottobre 2019 -
17:00 a 19:00

Shakespearean Interdisciplinary Variations: a presentation

Shakespeare’s ability to establish a dialogue across cultures is one of the reasons why his works have stood such a long test of time. This seminar presents a collection of essays exploring some aspects of the Bard’s legacy over the centuries - how, for example, it may surface in other genres like literature and music or even at times transit from stage to prison.

Shakespearean Interdisciplinary Variations, edited by Giuseppe Massara, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2017. Languages: English and Italian.

Round table coordinated by Francesca Orestano (University of Milan), with Giuseppe Massara (University of Rome “Sapienza”), Paola Farenga (President Associazione Roma nel Rinascimento), Giuliana Iannaccaro (University of Milan), Margaret Rose (University of Milan).

The seminars are free of charge. Booking required.

British Council, Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione con DM 170 del 21/3/2016, art 1, comma 5

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