Sabato 27 Maggio 2017 -
17:00 a 19:00

Learning-centred dynamics: 5 minute lesson plans 

In this seminar we will discuss ideas about how the 5 minute lesson plan can help us organize learning-centred lessons and courses creatively and efficiently. We will be exploring ideas including ‘the big picture’, ‘objectives’, ‘engagement’,  ‘stickability’ and ‘differentiation’.   

For scuola media and superiore teachers. 

Elisa Turri,  Istituto Comprensivo di Cuggiono (MI)

The seminars are free of charge

British Council, Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale della scuola ai sensi della Direttiva 170 del 21/3/2016, articolo 1, comma 5.

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