Alan Cumming NTS
Alan Cumming in the National Theatre of Scottland’s one-man production of Macbeth. ©

Photo by Eoin Carey

Saturday 30 April 2016 -
17:00 to 19:00

The fourth of this series of lectures examines the nature of Shakespeare’s ten plays on English kings and their coverage of 400 years of power struggles. It shows how their discourses were affected by the Elizabethan world-view/ perception of history, and also seeks to illustrate their creative art, the breadth of their historical and social canvas and their uniquely English being. 

Patricia Kennan, Università degli Studi di  Milano-Bicocca,  translator  and copy editor

British Council, Ente accreditato dal MIUR per la formazione con DM 90/2003, art 1, comma 2

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Milan, Shakespeare
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Shakespeare L-2016